Monday, July 17, 2006

When, once again, we are seeing the human tragedy of war on the front pages of our newspapers, I am reminded of something David Miscavige said when he attended the grand opening of my church (the Church of Scientology of NewYork).

" When one must worry in today's modern world about the safety of its citizens, when one's solutions are limited to the use of military might, it is obvious the problems we face run much deeper. It's a situation none of us can ignore. They are conditions we all must face. They are problems we all must be responsible for helping to resolve."

This weekend I saw an event that took place aboard the Freewinds ship in June. What I saw gave me so much hope that I wanted to share it. The Church of Scientology International has produces a set of 30 public service announcements for Youth for Human Rights International - a group dedicated to human rights education and the full implementation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

I consider myself to be a pretty well educated person, but if you had asked by what rights are guaranteed by the Universal Declaration I would have to have guessed. Even though I'd read it. Now I could real off a list of them. What changes is that I've seen these PSAs. They made such an impression on me. They got through to me the basic concept of each of these rights.

I wouldn't be able to state all 30, but I could probably name a dozen or more (and that's a dozen more than I could have named last week).

But the reason I bring this up is that I believe that if we have any faintest chance to end war it will only be by the citizens of the countries insisting on their own human rights and those of their fellow man, and that these short films, which is really what they are, can really help if they are spread far enough.

Download the first 3 of them from I Tunes. Hopefully the rest will be there soon too.